Thursday, December 4, 2008

Worst Blog List

I think we can all be thankful that our 35 million+ blogs are too small to attract the attention of MSM powerhouses like, who came up with this list of the lamest blogs. They basically ripped on lame advertising or marketing attempts (Jack in the Box, Pepsi, Wal*Mart, etc.) disguised as blogs, and I'm OK with that. MSN also ripped (pseudo-) celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Rosie O'Donnell and Paris Hilton for their blogs, and I'm OK with that, too.

The one blog I thought was unfairly singled out was Dave Walker's Dullest Blog in the World. The premise of that blog was pretty clever, I thought. If something is intentionally lame, that makes it un-lame, right? It's like if you make fun of yourself, then no one else can. Call it the Louie Anderson corollary. The one drawback is that Dave lost interest in providing further updates back in 2006, so MSN really shouldn't be picking this as one of the current lamest blogs.

I also greatly appreciated the below comic strip from Stephan Patsis, who writes and draws "Pearls Before Swine,"* one of my favorite comics these days. Don't we all feel like Pig sometimes?

* You might be familiar with the expression, which dates back to the Bible. Patsis regularly uses his comic to rip the old, staid standbys of the comics page, like Blondie, Beetle Bailey, Hagar the Horrible, and Family Circus; when Blondie did its huge anniversary/birthday party using characters from other comic strips (and the other cartoonists drew their characters as getting ready for the party in the days leading up to the event), Patsis drew Rat and Pig as the uninvited party crashers. Surely there's another expression about biting hands that feed... ah, but I digress.

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